
Posts Tagged ‘packing’

Here’s the scenario:

A man’s home was foreclosed on.  The bank that took the home back, assigned it to a local real estate agent to sell.  The real estate agent followed the procedure to offer the man money to move out of the home within a certain amount of time provided the home was left in good clean condition. Fyi – if a person declines this opportunity, the eviction process begins to have the person removed from the home.

Anyway, the man agreed to move out by a certain date.  Two days before the day he was scheduled to turn over the keys to the home and collect the money as agreed, he contacted the real estate agent assigned to list/sell the home to coordinate a time for her to view the home, collect the keys, and deliver the check.

His final day to be out fell on a Saturday.  The real estate agent said she was not dealing with the matter over the weekend.  She would not answer the man’s question which was, “Do you not work on weekends?”  He made an appointment for the day before instead – leaving him only ONE day to finish moving out of the home.

Seems like no big deal right?  Imagine moving with no help because everyone that would normally be available is at work.  Imagine watching the gas company turn off the gas while you’re still trying to move out.  Imagine the electric company doing the same.  Thank goodness it was a fairly warm day.  Did I forget to mention that the water company came to turn off the water as well – while he continued trying to empty out the house.  Adding insult to injury, the locksmith comes by and changes the locks.  Did I mention the for sale sign was already in the yard?

Through all of this extra activity, the man continued to work feverishly.  All of the contents were in the garage, yet they still had to be sorted (storage, garbage, take to the new location).

The man – with the help of one other person – finally finished at 10:30 that night.  How did he see in the dark you ask?  The only source of light was the headlights of his car which were used to light the dark garage.

Another friend came by to help around 10:00 that night.  I had been helping since 2:30.

I hear you when you say – well, some people just don’t work on weekends.

The problem with that concept is this: The real estate agent NEVER came by the home to inspect it, collect the keys, or give the man his check.  She sent her employee!  So, I still can’t wrap my mind around why she refused to allow him ONE additional day – in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

I have come to the conclusion that She Just Didn’t Care.

These are Just My Thoughts.  Feel free to share yours~

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